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Vision & Values

Our Vision
Our Vision Journey and Meaning
Previous vision: Our vision, prior to 2020, was “To have high expectations for all and to provide programmes in an environment to help all children reach their potential”. This is usually written simply as “High Expectations for All”
The year 2020 provided an authentic opportunity to reflect on our vision, and on what truly matters to all stakeholders at FIS. The lockdown (due to Covid 19) period provided a unique experience and we saw a rise in innovation and creativity for many of our people. We definitely missed the energy and humanity that schools provide and the daily interactions with one another. We found new ways to connect and care for one another but we were pleased to get back to school and see each other face to face. The lockdown again highlighted the human desire to connect with others and just how important social interaction is for our people. If you ask the students and the staff what they missed their answer 99% of the time will be the people. Friends, Teachers, Colleagues, Students, peers and most of the time they would put the word “awesome” in front e.g. “I missed my awesome teacher” or “I have awesome friends”.
Upon return to school we took the feedback we had from staff, students and whanau and started to synthesise and analyse what we had collected. All staff had a go at writing a vision based on what we had and these were explored and modified. Eventually we noticed that we were building wordy sentences around the key concepts of our awesome people and making things better or improving outcomes. We wanted to shorten our vision to something short, sharp and to the point. We also wanted something that would roll off the tongue and that would connect with our students (intermediate age group). We finally arrived at the following.
Amplify the Awesome
At FIS we identify and amplify all of the awesome things about our people, our teaching and learning, and the world around us.
Unpacking this vision we are able to see how this captures our thinking and how it links specifically to our school as an intermediate:
- In some ways this is an evolution of “High expectations for all” (our vision until 2020) but in “kid speak” It still focuses on quality and high expectations. For something to be “awesome” it must be of a very high standard. However, we believe that this is a more holistic approach.
- We like that it is strength based. It is looking for the positives and the strengths and celebrating, sharing and growing these as well as using them to empower others.
- This vision acknowledges the work of our contributing schools. It acknowledges that our students are already awesome in so many ways and that it is our responsibility to recognise this and use their strengths to grow them and others. As an intermediate it is our responsibility to take what has already been put in place and amplify (grow, expand, extend) this as much as possible.
- This vision is a call to seek, celebrate and expand the “awesomeness” in ourselves, our colleagues, our students, our practice and our place. It recognises that everyone is awesome in their own way and that our diversity and individuality is a strength.
- We can also see this as a tool when talking with students about the concept of quality and excellence. What is the difference between good and awesome? What is required to take something to that next level? How do you achieve “awesome?”
Behaviour Guidelines and our School Values
We are a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) school. The purpose of PB4L is to continue to develop a mutually respectful environment that promotes positive social interaction and student engagement. Through consistent modelling, acknowledging and teaching of positive behaviours in a variety of contexts, we provide a quality environment where the school community continues to focus on raising achievement and developing great citizens.
The school has a positive atmosphere and excellent behaviour is expected of all. Our key aims of fostering self-discipline and individual responsibility are embedded in our R.I.S.E. values. These four key values were revisited and revised by students, staff and the community as part of our Health and P.E curriculum consultation in Term 3, 2018.
Our Values