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Principal's Welcome
Tēnā koutou katoa
Nau mai, haere mai
Tēnei au he kākano i ruia mai i Orongomai
Tīhei Mauriora!
Ko Tokomaru te Maunga
Ko Ōpaoa te Awa
Ko Rex tōku Pāpā
Ko Tryna tōku Māmā
Ko Kaylene Macnee tōku hoa rangatira
Ko Marshall tōku tama
Nō Waiharakeke ahau
Ko Kenny tōku Whānau
Ko Simon Kenny tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa
Nau mai, haere mai,
Welcome to Fergusson Intermediate School
Any school is only as good as its people, and at Fergusson Intermediate we have “Awesome” people. Our school community works together to provide the very best opportunities we possibly can for the emerging adolescent. Our vision is to “Amplify the Awesome” which is a strength based approach and acknowledges the amazing work that has been done by our contributing schools, whānau and the students themselves, prior to joining us here at Fergusson Intermediate. We believe there is awesomeness in everyone and that by identifying this, and using our strengths, we can grow as people, as teachers and as learners.
Our goal, as a passionate and committed team, is to provide a safe and engaging environment for all our learners to discover, develop and achieve their potential. We believe in a holistic approach to education in which the foundation skills and knowledge are used across the curriculum to engage in rich, authentic learning tasks. We want our students to be self motivated and to play a positive and active role in their learning. We have high expectations for everyone to achieve academically, creatively, physically and socially.
We take pride in providing a learning environment that focuses on building resilience, independence, confidence and empathy. At Fergusson we believe it is our responsibility to equip students with the skills, dispositions and knowledge they require to be active, informed and valued members of society who contribute positively to our local and global community.
The two years spent at an Intermediate are critical for your child’s development. It is a time of rapid emotional and physical growth where they are constantly evaluating and making sense of who they are and where they “fit” in the world around them. We provide an environment that is safe, secure, supportive and responsive to our students’ needs and well being so they can make the most of the opportunities we provide across the curriculum.
Our School Values are the vehicle we use to ensure everyone feels valued, connected and actively involved in the teaching and learning at our kura / school. These values are:
Manawaroa / Resilience
Ngakau pono / Integrity
Mana ahua ake / Sense of Self
Aroha / Empathy
If you would like further clarification about anything please don’t hesitate to contact me I strongly believe that the most effective education happens when schools, students, parents and whānau work together.
I look forward to meeting you.
Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini
We cannot succeed without the support of those around us
Nga Mihi Nui
Simon Kenny