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Sport at Fergusson

Lunch Time Sports

Lunchtime sport is organised and led by our ‘Awesome’ Sports Captains and run on Mondays and Wednesdays at lunch times. The games are advertised in the morning school notices and everyone is welcome.
Some games require students to make small teams playing an in/out format while other games have two teams.
The sports captains pair up, choose the game they would like to organise and ref. This allows them to develop their leadership and management skills while supported by a duty teacher.
Games are run in the hall, on the courts or field and students can play for some or all of their lunchtime.
Pā Wars

Fergy Sports

Fergusson Intermediate believes in providing students with opportunities to participate and experience a range of different sports. The Fergy Sport concept is based on providing students with an opportunity to further refine skills and understanding in a sport of their choice and is an exciting opportunity for classes to challenge each other in a variety of games during terms 1 and 4, the summer/ dryer terms.
Each Friday all the classes go outside at 2pm and play two 25 minute games. Points are awarded for winning, sportsmanship and correct uniform, including a hat. Points are collated and at the end of the term, the class with the most points wins a trophy which is presented during a school assembly.
The games are chosen by the all the sports captains, and the sports captains for each syndicate take turns in setting up the games.
Inter-school Sports
Sport Exchanges
Wellington Regional School Sport Association (WRISSA)
As a member of WRISSA (Wellington Regional School Sport Association) we are eligible to enter teams in tournaments versing other Hutt, Wellington and Porirua Intermediates.
Please see the calendar below, for all sporting events at Fergusson Intermediate.